Our Services
What we offer
Web Design
While we do offer templates that are available for immediate purchase on our store, we also offer bespoke web design. We create custom pages for you based on your needs, copywriting, and more. Site design can range from 10 - 24 hours or longer depending on the complexity of your needs.
Branding Kits
Distinctive branding is everything in this business. A branding kit consist of primary and secondary colors, primary and secondary fonts, and primary and secondary logos. There are three distinctive branding kits available to online creatives.
Logo Design
We offer several template logos for download, and offer bespoke logo creation for the entertainer who wishes to elevate their brand and distinguish themselves from others. Logos are also vital to retaining ownership of your online visuals and videos. You put hard work, time, and creativity into your business and should absolutely have a logo to protect your investment and brand.
Fan Site Management
May adult entertainers are branching out to include digital services or “distance dating” as some like to call it. Having a fan site is all fun and games until you’re out of ideas, and want to play hooky. Being “available” all the time to chat isn’t always glamorous. Let us take the stress out of this lucrative money making opportunity and manage your fan site for you.
From posting, messaging, to content ideas this is a collaborative effort that will help you achieve real success in your subscription services.
Social Media
Creating social media accounts and all of the accoutrements can be a massive headache. Let us help you with this time consuming and aggravating aspect of your business. Add to that writing your own bio can be difficult and laborious. Let us do the hard work for you.
While it may seem like there’s no reason to have a blog on your website I assure you that there are many reasons to draw readers to your website with a well thought out blog. Our copywriting packages include blogging, back linking, and blog promotion. Let us help you turn your blog into the most visited page on your website.
CRM Development
A fully developed client list is an entertainer’s bread and butter. However, it can be overwhelming to comb through your leads and organize a client list, especially if you have a full personal life that demands your attention. Let us help you get organized.
Many individuals entering the adult industry are doing so based on what they see online and with social media. However, the glamour can soon wear off and leave you frustrated and broke. With the right game plan and mentorship you can change your destiny from one of frustration and anxiety to peace and preparedness. Let us help you elevate your brand, and yourself, to the highest level.
Talking about yourself can be intimidating and time consuming. Crafting website copy, ad copy, email correspondence, and blogs can be overwhelming. Let us help you attract the more cerebral client with a well written word or phrase. Copywriting can mean the difference between a frown and a crown.
Client Verifications
There is no riskier endeavor for an entertainer than in person meetings. If you are risk adverse this is a service that may appeal to you. Client screenings are in depth explorations of who a potential client is, and an examination of every bit of available data to determine if they are safe for you to meet with.
Newsletter marketing is an invaluable asset to any top tier entertainer’s marketing plan. However, writing them, designing them, and packaging them up in a way that will keep clients engaged and clicking on your links is a different story. Let us help you organize your branding to include a custom bespoke newsletter design you can use forever.
Script Writing
Many entertainers are looking for new content to help with their fan site subscriptions. While we do have scripts available in our store for immediate download we also offer completely organic script writing based off of your ideas and individual needs. Let us know what type of script you need, and we can put a package together for you.
Tour Planning
Knowing where to go, and when, is our specialty. There are certain times of the year where you should steer clear of certain cities, and we’re experts on evaluating when you should pack up your suitcase and hit the road. Let us help you plan the perfect tour to maximize profits.
Advertising & Marketing
While we aren’t able to do your advertising for you, we have cultivated a massive list of worldwide advertising platforms for adult entertainers. This list is available for those who can show that they are currently active entertainers. Contact us to discuss receiving a PDF download of our massive ad list. Need marketing ideas? Let us help you cultivate some marketing tools that will elevate your brand now.